Who We Are

The Information Architecture Gateway (IAG) is an informal collaboration of information architecture professionals that was formed in 2016. Our founders and collaborators are highly credentialed researchers, instructional designers, professors, UX designers, librarians, NLP, AI and security experts and strategy leaders.


Bev Corwin headshot

Bev Corwin
Technology Director

Noreen Whysel
Information Director

Shari Thurow headshot

Shari Thurow
Search Director


Chris Novell
Independent Researcher

Kate Wilhelm

Judith Katzman

Rachel Patterson
Glocal Consultants Group

Zoe Braiterman
Purepoint International

Partners and Affiliates

Science Gateways Community Institute logo. Black on white SGCI acronym centered between two black trapezoids, above “Science Gatways” and “Community Institute” stacked lettering
World IA Day logo. In Gray all capital letter with IA in aqua, followed by the tagline, “Local Connections, Global Impact.”

Learn more about our Partners and Affiliations.